Unstable Products
Multiplex Wood, Wax, Glass, Textile Cable, Electronics, Light Bulb, Artificial Clay, Plastic Foil, Booklets and Posters (Laserprint on Paper, handbound)
Our physical environment is stable, our digital environment is unstable. This conception brings order in our technologically confused world. But the line increases to blur. Ideas like New Aesthetics, Unstable Media, Computational Personalization and Product Semantics come together and bring change to both sides.
Two iconic products, a lamp and a table, play with the border of the stable and unstable by generating their individual physical forms accordung to their usage and their environment.
The shade of the lamp is made from wax and deforms over time when the illuminated lightbulb sends out its heat. The surface of the table is transformed by its use through people and objects until the clear foil is ripped off and the material begins to cure.
Research material is presented in 10 collages on 5 posters that are bound in a small booklet that allows to manually combine the different aspects in a personalized way.